300 it is an American movie directed by Zack Snyder, released in 2007. It is an adjustment of Frank Miller's graphical novel on the Battle of the Termópilas.
Though stocks on a royal(real) fact, it is more tied to the graphical novel, both in the script and in the use of images. The movie presents a visual style in which the color and the contrast are treated digitalmente using the technology(skill) croma: the result is a dark cinematography, of coppery and faithful color to Miller's original drawings
Though stocks on a royal(real) fact, it is more tied to the graphical novel, both in the script and in the use of images. The movie presents a visual style in which the color and the contrast are treated digitalmente using the technology(skill) croma: the result is a dark cinematography, of coppery and faithful color to Miller's original drawings